Dual Enrollment Serving 500+ High School Students at Great Hearts
Since the launch of the Great Hearts Dual Enrollment program at the beginning of the school year, over 500 scholars have enrolled in over 670 dual enrollment classes through our pilot partner institutions, Southeastern University in Florida and Arizona Christian University. “Something that we are becoming much more intentional about in the last couple of years is the evaluation and refinement... Read More »
Trivium Prep Seniors Suit Up at Blazer Ceremony
Trivium Prep, a Great Hearts academy in Buckeye, Arizona, recently commemorated the presentation of blazers to their senior class. While there are many milestones that are celebrated in high school at a Great Hearts academy, the blazer ceremony at Trivium symbolizes the achievement and responsibility of becoming a senior. Many of our upper schools honor... Read More »
Building Better Classrooms by Investing in Teachers at Fall In-Service
Teachers across the Great Hearts Arizona network gathered last week for the annual Fall Faculty In-Service, an afternoon of professional development aimed at helping educators improve their skills in the classroom. After an early dismissal for students, teachers from every academy in the Valley traveled to the campuses of Scottsdale, Arete, North Phoenix, Veritas, and... Read More »
Building Bonds and Character at High School Retreat
Just a few weeks into the school year, many of our Great Hearts academies hold an annual high school retreat, something that has become a tradition for both students and teachers, offering a unique break from the usual classroom setting. Glendale Prep’s High School Retreat was held at Lost Canyon, a Young Life camp located in Williams, Arizona.... Read More »
Great Hearts Anthem Dedicates Libraries Thanks to Student Leaders
Great Hearts Anthem recently dedicated their long-awaited libraries, one for K-5 scholars and the other for 6-12 scholars. Zack Withers, Headmaster for the upper school, acknowledged the collaboration that brought the libraries to life. “This has been a long time coming,” he remarked during the ceremony. “When we first moved into this campus, the space said ‘library,’... Read More »