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Salute to Our Great Hearts Veterans: Robert Brasier


Great Hearts Academies are pleased to recognize, celebrate, and honor some of the amazing Veterans in our schools who have not only served our country in the military, but have continued to do outstanding work to support the students of Great Hearts.

Robert Brasier is a veteran of the United States Navy [2] and served as an Officer in the Seabees [3]. “I obtained the rank of Lieutenant Commander (04) and completed two overseas tours with one deployment to the Middle East in support of Operation Enduring Freedom,” he recalled. He said he was privileged to serve with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Seventeen (NMCB 17), One (NMCB 1), and One Thirty-Three (NMCB 133). “I also had the opportunity to support numerous Marine Corps [4] and Army Units [5] while on deployment.”

[6]Today, Braiser serves the scholars of Chandler Prep [7] as a 10th grade Humane Letters and 7th grade Ancient History teacher. “Serving in the United States Armed Forces gave me a clear understanding of ‘Honor, Courage, and Commitment’ which is at the heart of my teaching experience,” he said. “Each day, I challenge students to live honorable lives, to stand up for what is right, and to be committed to academic excellence.”

This is his first year at the academy, but Braiser says the Great Hearts environment is an excellent fit for him. “They provide students the type of education that will make them better citizens and better people. Without question, the military prepared me to help students on this journey.”

Please join Great Hearts in honoring Veterans like Robert Brazier who have served our country.

Do you have a story or know of a story that you would like to see featured at Great Hearts?  Please contact jmoore@greatheartsamerica.org [8].